
This paper shows the main results of a multidisciplinary study performed along the southeastern sector of the Agri Valley in Basilicata (Southern Italy), where Cenozoic units, crucial for constraining the progressive evolution of the Southern Apennine thrust and fold belt and, more in general, the geodynamic evolution of the Mediterranean area are widely exposed. In particular, we aimed at understanding the stratigraphic and tectonic setting of deep-sea, thrust-top Cenozoic units exposed immediately to north of Montemurro, between Costa Molina and Monte dell’Agresto. In the previous works different units, showing similar sedimentological characteristics but uncertain age attribution, have been reported in the study area. In our study, we focussed on the Albidona Formation, pertaining to the Liguride realm, which shows most significant uncertainties regarding the age and the stratigraphic setting. The study was based on a detailed field survey which led to a new geological map of the area. This was supported by new stratigraphic, biostratigraphic and structural analyses. Biostratigraphic analysis provided an age not older than the upper Ypresian and not younger than the early Priabonian. Recognition of marker stratigraphic horizons strongly helped in the understanding of the stratigraphy of the area. The study allowed a complete revision of the stratigraphy of the outcropping Cenozoic units, the recognition of until now unknown tectonic structures and the correlation between surface and subsurface geology.


  • Understanding surface geology of a given area provides fundamental clues on the lithological, stratigraphic and structural setting of the subsurface, useful for exploitation of natural resources

  • The Agri Valley graben developed on a pre-Pliocene substratum formed by a series of stacked allochthonous units forming the axial sector of the southern Apennine thrust belt

  • The present work stresses on the importance of performing an accurate field mapping for the understanding of surface and subsurface geology

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Understanding surface geology of a given area provides fundamental clues on the lithological, stratigraphic and structural setting of the subsurface, useful for exploitation of natural resources. Recognition of key stratigraphic horizons is essential for the correct identification of major tectonic structures and the interpretation and correlation of geophysical and well data to define reliable 3D geological models. The Agri Valley represents a good example where a better definition of the surface geology provides significant improvements in the interpretation of subsurface data. Albidona and the Gorgoglione formations is evident when comparing different geological maps of the Agri Valley area [3,4,5,6]. 2. Geological Setting The Agri Valley is a Quaternary tectonic depression, filled up with continental deposits, located in the axial sector of the southern Apennine thrust belt [7,8].

Geological Setting
The Age and Significance of the Albidona Formation
Data and Methods
Stratigraphy of the Monte Dell’agresto Area
Gorgoglione Formation
Group I
Group II
Group III
Structural Setting of the Monte dell’Agresto Area
Contractional Structures
Geometry and Orientation of Folds in the Member B–C
Geometry and Orientation of Folds in the Member D
Extensional Structures
Geodynamic Significance of the Albidona Formation
Tectonic Setting of the Study Area
Significance and Interpretation of the NE-Trending Faults
Further Implications
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