
Counterfactual Regret Minimization (CFR) is a popular iterative algorithm for approximating Nash equilibria in imperfect-information multi-step two-player zero-sum games. We introduce the first general, principled method for warm starting CFR. Our approach requires only a strategy for each player, and accomplishes the warm start at the cost of a single traversal of the game tree. The method provably warm starts CFR to as many iterations as it would have taken to reach a strategy profile of the same quality as the input strategies, and does not alter the convergence bounds of the algorithms. Unlike prior approaches to warm starting, ours can be applied in all cases. Our method is agnostic to the origins of the input strategies. For example, they can be based on human domain knowledge, the observed strategy of a strong agent, the solution of a coarser abstraction, or the output of some algorithm that converges rapidly at first but slowly as it gets closer to an equilibrium. Experiments demonstrate that one can improve overall convergence in a game by first running CFR on a smaller, coarser abstraction of the game and then using the strategy in the abstract game to warm start CFR in the full game.

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