
Liquid chromatography coupled to orthogonal acceleration time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC/TOF) provides an attractive alternative to liquid chromatography coupled to triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) in the field of multiresidue analysis. The sensitivity and selectivity of LC/TOF approach those of LC/MS/MS. TOF provides accurate mass information and a significantly higher mass resolution than quadrupole analyzers. The available mass resolution of commercial TOF instruments ranging from 10 000 to 18 000 full width at half maximum (FWHM) is not, however, sufficient to completely exclude the problem of isobaric interferences (co-elution of analyte ions with matrix compounds of very similar mass). Due to the required data storage capacity, TOF raw data is commonly centroided before being electronically stored. However, centroiding can lead to a loss of data quality. The co-elution of a low intensity analyte peak with an isobaric, high intensity matrix compound can cause problems. Some centroiding algorithms might not be capable of deconvoluting such partially merged signals, leading to incorrect centroids.Co-elution of isobaric compounds has been deliberately simulated by injecting diluted binary mixtures of isobaric model substances at various relative intensities. Depending on the mass differences between the two isobaric compounds and the resolution provided by the TOF instrument, significant deviations in exact mass measurements and signal intensities were observed. The extraction of a reconstructed ion chromatogram based on very narrow mass windows can even result in the complete loss of the analyte signal. Guidelines have been proposed to avoid such problems. The use of sub-2 microm HPLC packing materials is recommended to improve chromatographic resolution and to reduce the risk of co-elution. The width of the extraction mass windows for reconstructed ion chromatograms should be defined according to the resolution of the TOF instrument. Alternative approaches include the spiking of the sample with appropriate analyte concentrations. Furthermore, enhanced software, capable of deconvoluting partially merged mass peaks, may become available.

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