
Language is viewed not only as a tool for communication but as a key zooms in on for the development of thinking, identity and personal growth. The development of the child and the growth of language go hand in hand in what is often perceived as a fair and natural process. Learning strategies are defined as “specifications, behaviors, steps, or techniques-- such as seeking out conversation partners, or giving oneself encouragement to tackle a difficult language task -- used by students to enhance their own learning”(Scarcella&Oxford,1992,p. 63). Learning strategies can be classified into six groups: cognitive, metacognitive, memory-related, compensatory, affective, and social. These help to observe record and analyze the strategies and techniques.The intent of a Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS), Right Question (RTI) model is to offer levels of interventions for addressing student failure as it is occurring and without waiting for a special education evalu­ation (Hamayan et al., 2007). English Language Development (ELD) is the systematic use of instructional strategies designed to promote the acquisition of English by students whose primary language is not English. English Language Learners (ELLs) of diverse backgrounds may struggle to grasp content and may approach the content from very different perspectives. Drawing on the students' background knowledge and experiences, can be an effective way to bridge gaps and to make the content more accessible. This paper discusses the effective strategies that can beadopted to teach and learn foreign language and to create a society that deal with language skill without flaw.

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