
This study describes the learning strategy of tahfidzul Qur'an at the ma`had `aly level educational institution with the aim of knowing the right strategy to implement the tahfidzul Qur'an program, especially at the ma`had `aly level. This type of research is a descriptive analytical field research that is a narrative description that uses a qualitative approach. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis is carried out in stages, reduction, display, conclusion. The results of the study indicate that the learning strategy of tahfidzul Qur'an in Ma`had `Aly Baitul Qur`an applies an indirect learning strategy, the learning process uses the halaqah system. The learning strategy applies good steps and elements of learning strategies that are in accordance with the theory in its implementation. The learning methods applied are talqin, ziyadah, and muraja`ah. Muraja`ah is divided into three; ma`al ustadz, ma`azzamil and fardiyah. During the learning process, there are factors that support the success of students' memorization, namely the enthusiasm of the students, the supervisor's concern for the situation and condition of the students and the capacity they have in guiding students, applying the shalati ila mamati method, and a supportive environment. However, there are things that hinder learning achievement, namely staying up late at night, imagining and being lazy, and not feeling at home in halaqah. The efforts of educators in overcoming these obstacles is to conduct an evaluation once a week.

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