
Abstract Strain coupling with ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity plays an important role in the development of multiferroic metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) with strong magnetoelectric coupling, but the underlying mechanisms have not been well understood. Strain coupling and dynamic relaxation in multiferroic MOF with perovskite structure [(CH3)2NH2][Mn(HCOO)3] were investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, Infra-red (IR) spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), magnetic measurements and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA). DSC results showed peaks at 183 K and 190 K at the rate of 5 K/min during cooling and heating processes, respectively. Magnetic measurements showed magnetic transition at ∼8.5 K at the heating rate of 2 K/min. Temperature and frequency dependences of elastic properties studied by DMA at frequencies of 0.5 Hz–10 Hz between 140 K and 300 K at heating rate of 2 K/min indicated that the minimum in storage modulus and the maximum in loss modulus and loss factor occurred near 190 K. The peak height of loss modulus and loss factor decreased at higher frequency, and the peak temperature was independent of frequency, showing the features of first-order phase transition. Near 190 K, paraelectric to ferroelectric phase transition triggered by disorder–order transition of alkylammonium cations located in the framework cavities occurred accompanied by the structural phase transition from rhombohedral space group R 3 - c to monoclinic space group Cc. The elastic anomalies and large energy loss near 190 K were associated with the coupling of the local strain with the freezing of dimethylammonium cation and the freezing of twin walls.

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