
This work uses techniques from convex analysis to establish the existence and uniqueness of constrained strong solutions to stochastic ordinary differential equations in Hilbert space. The solution consists of a semimartingale u with a bounded variation component η, in which u must stay within the domain of a given convex function φ, and η satisfies the variational inequality a.s. for all suitable test functions v. Roughly speaking η is singular in some sense and represents the amount of pushing needed to maintain the constraint on u. The restrictions on φ are that it be lower semicontinuous and have a domain with non-empty interior. If is an open convex set and φ is the indicator of then u is reflected to stay in and η is non absolutely continuous and varies only when u is at the boundary of . We thus recover previous results on reflected diffusion processes in finite dimensions. If φ has an open domain and is Gateaux differentiable than η becomes the absolutely continuous process . In this situation is ...

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