
1. 1. Mycelium and conidia of Neurospora crassa were extracted with acetone, then saponified with alkaline pyrogallol and extracted with light petroleum. 2. 2. Both extracts (Fractions A and P, respectively) were assayed for sterol. Sterol ester was measured in Fraction A. 3. 3. Ergosterol was the major sterol in each case and there were smaller amounts of C 28 di-unsaturated sterols in each fraction. 4. 4. Cholesterol was present in conidia and young mycelium. 5. 5. Most of the sterol of conidia was in Fraction P (i.e. “tightly bound”). 6. 6. Most of the sterol in rapidly growing mycelium was in Fraction A (“readily extractable”). 7. 7. There was a substantial increase in Fraction P and a decrease in Fraction A at the onset of senescence. 8. 8. Ester content paralleled that for free sterol until day 9 after which there appeared to be a nett hydrolysis of ester. 9. 9. The increase in free ergosterol per culture in the A-fraction was interrupted for 2 days at the time of protoperithecium formation.

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