
Shining club moss, Huperzia lucidula (Michaux) Trevisan, can be propagated in tissue culture, but it is difficult to obtain sterile explants. When standard disinfestation methods were used, 100% of H. lucidula apical shoot-tips disinfested for 10, 20, or 30 minutes with 1% sodium hypochlorite/0.15% Tween 20 became contaminated or browned within 3 weeks. Since this club moss is highly contaminated, a stepwise disinfestation procedure was developed to eradicate spore forming microbes. Based on the principle that vegetative microbial cells are more easily destroyed than spores, stepwise disinfestation induced spore germination before explant treatment with sodium hypochlorite. A 48-hour disinfestation treatment resulted in 50% explant survival without visible contamination. Fewer explants (22%) were successfully disinfested when a 24-hour stepwise disinfestation was used. Applying the stepwise disinfestation method to contaminated cultures after a standard disinfestation protocol produced an additional 15.6% contamination-free club moss shoot-tips. After successful surface disinfestation, H. lucidula shoot-tips and gemmae established in vitro grew normally.

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