
Four life forms (habits) are identified in the 13 species of Moringa (bottle trees, sarcorhizal trees, slender trees, and tuberous shrubs) which are examined for wood anatomical correlations with habit, ecology, and systematics. Wood anatomy is similar within habit classes except for the sarcorhizal trees. The four bottle tree species and M. arborea (one of the sarcorhizal trees) are characterized by bands of confluent paratracheal parenchyma alternating with bands of libriform fibres, some of which may be parenchyma-like. The other sarcorhizal tree, M. ruspoliana, is characterized by alternating bands of parenchyma-like and long, slender libriform fibres. Root secondary xylem of all these species is characterized by bands of parenchyma and fibres. Slender trees do not show bands of fibres of different shapes and have fibrous roots with less parenchyma than the other species. Tuberous shrubs have stems mostly composed of long, slender fibres and large underground tubers mostly composed of parenchyma. Quantitative trends between ecologically different localities include wider vessel elements and higher conductive area in moister localities. Wood anatomy provides characters that are of potential phylogenetic utility at a variety of levels of relationship. Based on wood anatomy and geography, the most likely sister taxon to Moringa is Cylicomorpha (Caricaceae).

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