
Let G be a connected graph of order n. The Steiner distance dG(S) of a set S of vertices is the minimum size of a connected subgraph of G that contains all vertices of S. For k≤n, the Steiner k-diameter sdiamk(G) of G is the maximum Steiner distance among all sets of k vertices of G. The Steiner k-diameter generalises the classical diameter, which coincides with the Steiner 2-diameter.The problem of determining the minimum size of a graph of given order, diameter and maximum degree was first studied by Erdös and Rényi. In this paper we consider the corresponding problem for the Steiner k-diameter. For k,Δ,d,n∈N define ek(n,Δ,d) as the minimum size of a graph of given order n, maximum degree Δ and Steiner k-diameter at most d, if such a graph exists. The study of this problem for the special case k=3 was initiated in a recent paper by Mao.In this paper we determine ek(n,Δ,d) for k∈{n,n−1,n−2}. For the case k=n−3 we prove that en−3(n,Δ,n−3)=⌈98(n−1)+38Δ⌉ if Δ≤n+29, and also that en−3(n,Δ,n−3)=⌈32n−12Δ⌉ if Δ≥3n+97. We further show that ek(n,Δ,d)=n−1 for, approximately, d≥klogΔ−1⁡(n+2), and determine ek(n,Δ,k−1) for all k with 2≤k≤n.

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