
The magnetization response of hyperpolarized 3He gas to a steady-state free precession (SSFP) sequence was simulated using matrix product operators. The simulations included the effects of flip angle ( α), sequence timings, resonant frequency, gas diffusion coefficient, imaging gradients, T 1 and T 2. Experiments performed at 1.5 T, on gas phantoms and with healthy human subjects, confirm the predicted theory, and indicate increased SNR with SSFP through use of higher flip angles when compared to optimized spoiled gradient echo (SPGR). Simulations and experiments show some compromise to the SNR and some point spread function broadening at high α due to the incomplete refocusing of transverse magnetization, caused by diffusion dephasing from the readout gradient. Mixing of gas polarization levels by diffusion between slices is also identified as a source of signal loss in SSFP at higher α through incomplete refocusing. Nevertheless, in the sample experiments, a SSFP sequence with an optimized flip angle of α = 20°, and 128 sequential phase encoding views, showed a higher SNR when compared to SPGR ( α = 7.2°) with the same bandwidth. Some of the gas sample experiments demonstrated a transient signal response that deviates from theory in the initial phase. This was identified as being caused by radiation damping interactions between the large initial transverse magnetization and the high quality factor ( Q = 250) birdcage resonator. In 3He NMR experiments, performed without imaging gradients, diffusion dephasing can be mitigated, and the effective T 2 is relatively long (⩾1 s). Under these circumstances the SSFP sequence behaves like a CPMG sequence with sin( α/2) weighting of SNR. Experiments and simulations were also performed to characterize the off-resonance behaviour of the SSFP HP 3He signal. Characteristic banding artifacts due to off-resonance harmonic beating were observed in some of the in vivo SSFP images, for instance in axial slices close to the diaphragm where B 0 inhomogeneity is highest. Despite these artifacts, a higher SNR was observed with SSFP in vivo when compared to the SPGR sequence. The trends predicted by theory of increasing SSFP SNR with increasing flip angle were observed in the range α = 10–20° without compromise to image quality through blurring caused by excessive k-space filtering.

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