
• Five temperate broad-leaved tree species were compared with respect to their water consumption strategies under ample and restricted water supply. We measured synchronously leaf conductance (gL) in the sun canopy, xylem sap flux (Js) and leaf water potential (predawn, Ψpd and noon, Ψnoon) in adult trees in a mixed stand and related them to the fluctuations in vapor pressure deficit (D )a nd soil moisture. • Maximum gL was particularly high in F. excelsior, C. betulus and T. cordata and revealed a higher D sensitivity. Ψpd remained constantly high in A. pseudoplatanus, C. betulus and F. excelsior ,b ut decreased in T. cordata and F. sylvatica with decreasing soil moisture. • Jsd decreased linearly with decreasing soil matrix potential in all species except for F. excelsior. Apparent hydraulic conductance in the soil-to-leaf flow path (Lc) was higher in A. pseudoplatanus than in the other species. • F. sylvatica maintained a low maximum gL and reduced Jsd markedly upon drought, but faced severe decreases in Ψpd and Ψnoon. F. excelsior represents an opposite strategy with high maximum gL and stable Ψpd. • The species drought sensitivity increases in the sequence F. excelsior < C. betulus < T. cordata < A. pseudoplatanus < F. sylvatica.

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