
Nowadays practically all leading centers engaged in neutron research of condensed matter, are equipped with highly efficient, high count rate neutron detectors based on multiwire proportional chambers of large area (up to 65×65 cm2) with coordinate resolution of 1–10 mm, microstrip, scintillation and thermoluminescence detectors, and this allows them to make the most efficient use of their neutron sources. In many centers neutron position-sensitive detectors (PSD) of new type with submillimeter coordinate resolution, large area and high count rate are being developed. In order to keep leading positions in the field of condensed matter investigations using one of the best neutron sources in the world—the IBR-2 reactor—it is vitally important to bring up-to-date the techniques of registration of neutrons. In particular, it is necessary to develop the advanced neutron position-sensitive detectors. The report gives an overview of present activities at the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics of JINR in this field.

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