
Plant Genetic Resources play an important role in the genetic enhancement of different crops leading to food and nutritional security of the nation. India is genetic diversity rich country with more than 4.62 lakh accessions of 2065 crop species conserved National Gene Bank at National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi. Oilseeds are integral part of the various crop breeding programmes under National Agricultural Research System. In case of nine edible oilseed crops grown in India 57977 accessions of 13 species are conserved in the National Gene. In general, it has been observed that the utilization of germplasm conserved in the National Gene Bank is very low. Characterization of the germplasm and identification of trait specific donors is pre-requisite for successful utilization in the various breeding programmes. In this direction efforts have been made by the Oilseed Breeders in the country and in addition to release and notification of 956 varieties of nine oilseed crops since 1969, 193 novel genetic stocks of different oilseed crops for different agro-morphological, biotic and abiotic stress tolerance, high seed meal and oil quality traits have been registered with NBPGR. In addition, a large number of exotic collections have also been procured and being utilized in breeding programmes and more trait specific germplasm of all the oilseed crops has been identified along with their source country. For Atmanirbharta in edible oils in our country, we need to follow two-pronged strategy i.e. horizontal expansion targeting more area under oilseed crops and vertical expansion by deploying high yielding varieties and adoption of good agricultural practices. In vertical expansion breeding high yielding varieties is the main component which can be achieved with the use of diverse germplasm available globally. Hence, characterization and wider use of trait specific diverse germplasm of oilseed crops will be of great help in making the country Atmanirbhar in edible oils.

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