
Grizzled giant squirrel is placed in Schedule I of Indian Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, and categorized as “Near Threatened” in 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. In India, the grizzled giant squirrels are distributed in the Western and Eastern Ghats. The status of their Indian population is vulnerable due to drastic habitat loss, clear-felling, logging, construction of dams, hunting for local consumption, and expansion of agro-industry construction. A survey was conducted in Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary (CWS) to estimate the population of grizzled giant squirrels, and 34 individuals were recorded within – 106.8 km. The length of the transects varied from 1.3 to 3.7 km. The present study analysis shows an overall density of 7.75 individuals per square kilometer, with standard error of 2.49. The total number of population in the study area was calculated by multiplying density to the total area (34.46 km2) and obtained 267 individuals/km2. The analysis based on the low AIC value 47.747 and chi-square P-value 0.51246. The density of the grizzled giant squirrel’s nests shows 68.99/km2 with the standard error of 19.55. A total of 12 tree species were used for nesting by grizzled squirrel, with a height variation of 2.5–35 m. Suitable conservation management suggestions were recommended.

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