
Statistically reconstructed geochemical data on the main and additional elements in different types of rocks, ores and minerals of the Kyzylkum gold mine. Based on the research, editing the project on problems with modern analytical methods (ISP-MS, atomic absorption, etc.). The results of statistical processing of geochemical materials on the content of elements in rocks, ores, near-ore space and minerals showed that they can serve as the basis for creating geological and genetic models used for predictive purposes and identifying the features of the formation of mineral deposits in the region. This paper reveals the possibility of using the results of statistical data processing, by the nature of the distribution of the main ore elements in rocks, ores, near-ore space and minerals to identify the conditions of ore formation, typomorphic features of minerals on gold-rare-metal and gold-silver objects of Central Kyzylkum and the use of data for the development of geological and genetic search models. To solve the tasks, the results of about 6700 definitions of the main and related elements were statistically processed. At the same time, the following statistical parameters were revealed: average contents, degree of content, correlations, intensity of accumulation of elements in various samples that characterize the types of rocks, ores and their spatial manifestation.

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