
The paper presents a series of repeated static loading tests on a prestressed concrete beam, which was originally part of a real bridge and then subjected to stepwise artificial damage. The tests were done during a one-month period that four levels of damage were introduced by cutting tendons until visible cracking occurred. The deflection line was measured by means of several displacement sensors and the retrieved information is used in different ways for damage detection.At first, the sensor spacing requirement is analyzed with respect to measurement accuracy as well as necessary resolution for the numerical derivations of the deflection line to obtain the rotational angle and the curvature of the beam. These derived quantities may be used as damage indicators in addition to the deflection.Damage of concrete goes very often along with non-linear phenomena like cracking of concrete and plastic strain of reinforcement steel. These effects are discussed and their influence on the repeated loading tests as well the test procedure for condition monitoring is deployed. Progressive damage goes along with progressive sagging of the bridge due to gravity, which can also be used as damage indicator.Finally, the effect of varying outdoor temperatures are discussed and assessed. Though these effects can be reduced by choosing cloudy days without high temperature changes and without high solar irradiation, the outdoor temperature is never constant. Hence, a compensation algorithm is proposed which reflects the measured data according to a reference temperature. This compensation visibly improved the regularity of data.

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