
Dynamic light scattering measurements (DLS) on aqueous solutions of rodlike fd-virus particles below and above the overlap concentration c* = 1 particle/length3 are reported. In samples with screened Coulomb interaction the short time behavior of the time correlation functions does not show a significant concentration dependence, in contrary to samples at very low ionic strength where the short time behavior is dominated by the static structure factor S(q). In this case S(q) derived by DLS is in excellent agreement with S(q) determined by static light scattering (SLS) up to a particle concentration of about 5 c*. Above significant deviations are found. Finally, first results concernig the long time behavior of g1(q,t) at very low ionic strength are presented. There it was possible to separate the contribution of the fd viruses to g1(q,t) from unavoidable contributions of dustparticles and aggregates by applying a Contin fit procedure.

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