
Graphite materials play critical roles as moderators, reflectors, and core structural components in high-temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactors. During the reactor operation, graphite materials may experience a variety of loads, including thermal, radiation, fatigue, and dynamic loads, potentially leading to crack initiation and propagation. Therefore, it is imperative to investigate their fracture properties. Despite this, there remains a paucity of comprehensive studies on the fracture toughness of graphite materials with varying grain sizes, particularly concerning dynamic fracture toughness. This study addresses this gap by employing a digital-image-correlation-based virtual extensometer to analyze crack propagation in graphite materials of different grain sizes, enabling precise measurement of crack propagation length and fracture toughness. Findings reveal that static fracture toughness increases with larger grain sizes, while under dynamic loading, smaller grain sizes exhibit greater fracture toughness. Additionally, dynamic fracture toughness shows a near-linear increase with impact speed. Scanning electron microscopy analysis of fracture surface morphology highlights the impact of grain size and impact speed on fracture toughness. Nuclear graphite specimens with larger grain sizes have more irregular grain and pore distributions, enhancing crack deflection and propagation resistance, thereby increasing fracture toughness. The observed loading rate dependence of dynamic fracture toughness is attributed to a gradual transition from intergranular to transgranular fracture modes with increasing impact speed.

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