
We investigate the total and partial cross sections of the state-selective photo-recombination (PR) from the ground state 1sS01 of H-like Ar17+ ion to the 1s2S01, 1s2sS01,S13 and 1s2pP0,1,23,P11 states of He-like Ar16+ ion. The analysis is performed based on the close-coupling approximation and the fully relativistic Dirac R-matrix method, in which the unified treatments of the combined electron-ion PR process, including radiative and dielectronic recombination (DR) as coherent, interfering components are considered. The KLL PR resonance group are determined and identified according to the calculated energies and transition rates using the multiconfiguration Dirac–Fock (MCDF) method. The DR cross sections are also presented for comparison purposes. Our results show that the quantum interference between direct recombination and resonant recombination processes will strongly influence the intensity and shape of the PR cross sections, especially for the 2s2pP11 and 2p2D21 resonant regions. Comparison of our computed results with previously published experimental and theoretical values, when available, is made.

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