
It is shown that agriculture is sometimes not the main branch of the rural economy. It is emphasized that ensuring control over the impact of agricultural production on the environment is the responsibility of the state. It is revealed that in view of the rapid development and change of international relations, the definition of “food security” as the independence of the state solely through its own production is no longer relevant, today it depends more on the foreign and domestic policy of the country, as well as the importance of its opinion for other countries. It is noted that despite membership in the World Trade Organization, Japan has formed and implemented a policy of comprehensive support for its own producers and encourages the diversification of economic activities in rural areas. Legislatively approved principles of environmental policy of agriculture, forestry and fisheries are strictly controlled and are binding on all business entities. It is emphasized that Japan does not approve of the practice of renting agricultural land in other countries and makes maximum use of its own natural resources. The ways in which Japan provides support and assistance to developing countries to improve the condition of rural areas and agriculture were analyzed, and it was noted that the amount of this assistance is more than 21 % of total assistance. It is shown that in order to preserve agricultural lands, Japan creates artificial territories (islands and coastline extensions), on which large buildings and airports are built. The careful quality control of food introduced by the Government of Japan is noted. The flexible state policy of Japan on the redistribution of resources, which prevents the creation of critical situations in the provision of food to the population, is analyzed. Japan promotes the accelerated construction of vertical farms, which have no analogues in the world in the degree of environmental friendliness. It is shown how powerful Japanese companies - manufacturers of electronics on a global level are willing to expand their scope of activities by growing ultra-pure fruits and vegetables. The need for further research on the policy of rural development and agriculture of the State of Israel was emphasized.


  • State policy for the development of rural areas in conditions of limited natural resources

  • It is emphasized that ensuring control over the impact of agricultural production on the environment is the responsibility of the state

  • The ways in which Japan provides support and assistance to developing countries to improve the condition of rural areas and agriculture were analyzed, and it was noted that the amount of this assistance is more than 21 % of total assistance

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Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lviv, Pekarska Str., 50, Lviv, 79010, Ukraine. State policy for the development of rural areas in conditions of limited natural resources (on the example of Japan). Scientific Messenger of Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. Державна політика розвитку сільських територій в умовах обмежених природних ресурсів (на прикладі Японії). Наголошено на необхідності подальших досліджень політики розвитку сільських територій та сільського господарства держави Ізраїль. Усі провідні держави світу мають власну політику розвитку сільських територій, що залежить від наявності ресурсів. Завдання дослідження: дослідити ступінь узгодженості державної політики розвитку із положеннями Світової організації торгівлі; визначити способи, завдяки яким не допускається забудова земель сільськогосподарського призначення; проаналізувати нетрадиційні резерви, що використовуються задля забезпечення населення країни продовольчими товарами; визначити які практики Японії можна використати для розвитку сільських територій України

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