
Due to emphasized negative implications, state aid in contemporary law is more and more the subject of legal rules of supra-national and international law, and consequently it is more and more frequently the subject of national laws. The systems of state aid are based on the principle of general non-allowedness of state aid, which is relativised with wide exceptions and the form of allowed and conditionally allowed forms of state aid. In the EU law, a complex and differentiated system of legal regime on state aid is created aimed at preventing the Member States to protect or promote their companies at the expense or harm of competition within the EU. Compared to the regulations that refer to subsidies and that are created at the international level, within the WTO, these regulations are much more detailed and they cover a wide spectrum of different forms of state aid. National laws are accepting the EU concept as a novelty, which is valid in particular for countries in the process of the EU integrations. This has been done in our law as well by enacting of the Law on state aid control. This Law regulates general conditions for granting, granting control, and utilization of state assistance, with the essential objective to establish and provide for competitive market conditions and introduction of order in the field that has not been regulated previously. At the same time, this means a successful fulfillment of the obligations related to pre-accession harmonization of this field, which is a necessary pre-condition for accession of our country into this group of countries since the EU standards and requirements have been fully observed with the above-mentioned Law.


  • The systems of state aid are based on the principle of general non-allowedness of state aid, which is relativised with wide exceptions and the form of allowed and conditionally allowed forms of state aid

  • In the EU law, a complex and differentiated system of legal regime on state aid is created aimed at preventing the Member States to protect or promote their companies at the expense or harm of competition within the EU

  • Compared to the regulations that refer to subsidies and that are created at the international level, within the WTO, these regulations are much more detailed and they cover a wide spectrum of different forms of state aid

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Импликације и правна регулатива

Разлози и циљеви давања и коришћења државне помоћи су разноврсни. Ни импликације њиховог коришћења нису једнозначне и могу бити политичког , правног и економског карактера.[2]. 18 Због свог значаја, одредбе о државној помоћи у оквиру ових споразума су незаобилазне и то је постало стандард.[19] Ради се о скоро типским одредбама[20] које имају за циљ, прво, да обезбеде регулаторни контекст за трговинску либерализацију,[21] а друго да хармонизацијом прописа и применом стандарда ЕУ у области државне помоћи, убрзају претприступну хармонизацију закона, која је неопходан предуслов приступању Европској унији 22 и тиме припреме те земље за важећи режим ЕУ.[23] Исто тако, битна интенција је креирање одговарајућег националног институционалног механизма надлежног за ову област.[24] У том погледу није се инсистирало на униформности за све земље које се или се сада налазе у фази приступања,[25] али јесте у захтевима да национални мора имати овлашћења слична Комисији, укључујући и право да захтева релевантне информације, води истраге и даје сагласност на њихову доделу. The Interface between EU State Aid Control and the WTO Disciplines on Subsidies, estal 4|2006, стр. 695

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