
Interglacial-glacial transitions.- How accurate are the U-Th ages obtained by mass spectrometry on coral terraces?.- Transitions from interglacial to glacial in the pollen record from Valle Di Castiglione (Roma).- Interglacial/glacial transitions recorded from middle and young Pleistocene sections of eastern Lower Saxony/Germany.- Climate changes during and at the end of the interglacials of the Cromerian Complex.- Interglacial to glacial climatic change: Observations from selected Colombian pollen records.- The Montaigu Event: An abrupt climatic change during the Early Wurm in Europe.- Vegetational and climatic transitions between interglacial and glacial periods during the last 1 Million years in northern Greece.- Duration and vegetation dynamic of the Nogaret Interglacial (-1.9 Ma, S. of France) - Tentative correlation with stage 75.- Climate record in cave deposits: The Atapuerca TD case.- Marine palynology of interglacial-glacial transitions.- A long marine Eemian-Weichselian shelf record in north Denmark, Scandinavia.- The Norwegian Sea record of the last interglacial to glacial transition.- Abrupt color changes in isotope stage 5 in North Atlantic deep sea cores: Implications for rapid change of climate-driven events.- Global climate change: A three million year perspective.- Transition from the Sangamon interglaciation to the Wisconsin glaciation along the southeastern margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, North America.- The Caspian transgression as an indicator of the interglacial-glacial transition.- Working hypotheses for glaciation/deglaciation mechanism.- Recent temperature trends: Are they reinforced by insolation shifts?.- Insolation regime of the warm to cold transitions.- Author's Index.- Subject's Index.

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