
We have examined the effect of benzyladenine (BA) on amyloplast number and distribution in semithin cross‐sections of excised watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris Schrad., cv. Fairfax) cotyledons grown in the dark. The sections were stained with Lugol solution and observed with an immersion objective. In control cotyledons, amyloplasts were always more abundant and contain more starch grains than in BA‐treated cotyledons. The higher starch content was correlated with a higher ratio between starch synthetase (EC and amylase (EC activities in the controls. In the central zone of the mesophyll, the amyloplasts contained more starch grains than in the abaxial and adaxial (palisade) zones. The average number of amyloplasts per cell was different in the three zones, and followed a different time course in control and treated cotyledons. BA decreased this number, particularly in the adaxial zones. Our data seem to indicate a different function of starch in the central and in adaxial zone of the mesophyll. In the central zone starch is probably used as a source of carbohydrates for export to the embryo axis, while in the adaxial zone, where the transformation from amyloplast to etioplast is particularly pronounced, starch may be a reserve for organelle differentiation. BA stimulates the utilization of starch for both functions.

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