
Introduction:Clinical verification is an ongoing research programme of the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, under which many Indian and rarely used drugs in Homoeopathy have been Clinically Verified. Staphylococcinum is a nosode, prepared from the bacterial endotoxins of staphylococcus pyogenes aureus. In India, the medicine is prepared as per the direction of preparation of nosodes of N-I group of Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of India (HPI). The Council had under taken an observational study on Staphylococcinum from 2005-2010, to determine its therapeutic effects through Clinical Verification. Objectives:The study had two objectives. The primary objective was to clinically verify the symptomatology of Staphylococcinum as observed during its proving conducted by Council on this drug and the secondary objective was to ascertain the additional clinical symptoms, if any. Materials and Methods:In this multi-center study, a total of 411 patients from all age groups & both sexes were enrolled from the OPDs of the institutes and units of the Council adhering to the inclusion, exclusion criteria as per protocol. The informed written consent was obtained from each patient before the enrolment in the studies. The presenting signs and symptoms were recorded in a predefined case recording proforma. On repertorising the symptoms of each patient, if Staphylococcinum was found to be the simillimum or very closely similar to the symptoms of the patient, the patient was included in the study. The medicine was prescribed in different potencies, viz. 30C, 200C and 1M in ascending order, as per the need of the case, in accordance with homoeopathic principles. The progress was noted in a follow up sheet to determine the effects of the medicine. Result:It was observed that many of the symptoms of Staphylococcinum obtained during the proving of this drug, (conducted by the Council) were present in the patients, which were relieved after administration of Staphylococcinum in this study. Thus the study verifies the symptoms of Staphylococcinum obtained earlier during proving of this medicine. The study, in addition, reveals few additional clinical symptoms not obtained in the proving. Conclusion:Staphylococcinum can be considered as an important medicine for acidity, acne, aphthae, arthritis, dermatitis, fever, headache, toothache and urinary tract infection. In the study, 24 symptoms of Staphylococcinum were clinically verified and 13 clinical symptoms were evolved. All the verified symptoms confirm the scope of its therapeutic action.

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