
Janamghutti is used in folklore prcatices as preventive health care need of tribals and rural population of the country since antiquity. This knowledge of medicament transmitted oraly through ancesters . The present study was aimed to validate the traditional medicinal knowledge through pharmacognostical standardization . P hysico chemical parameters such as extractive values , ash values, loss on drying and p H were performed as per the WHO guideline s . The microscopic examination of the drug was done to establish characteristic microscopial features . Detailed TLC fingerprint profile of methanolic extract s o f the formulation alo ngwith the corresponding extracts of its individual ingredients were developed . The studied physicochemical parameters were found to be within prescribed limits. TLC fingerprint profiles may a s c ertain, the quality of the drug. Further studies on pharmacol ogical effects are suggested. K eywords : Janamghutti , Standardization, Tribals , HPTLC , Pharmacognosy I NTRODUCTION

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