
The aim of this study is to determine socio-economic properties and problems of the control officers in Istanbul province. The data are obtained via the questionnaire method from 99 control officers in the period of August-October 2015. As method, it is used to frequency, percent distributions and averages for personal and professional characteristics, opinions about related laws and categorized problems of control officers. Also, it is analyzed the relationship between sufficient and effective of official checking and some characteristics of control officers with Chi-square test (X2). It is determine that 58.59% of control officer are men and their averaged ages are 35.09. The people have been worked in the Ministry for 8.59 years and are control officers for 5.90 years in average. The majority of the people (91.92%) have been got trained in-service, and HACCP basic training is the most participated issue (85.86%). Although 64.65% of the people are satisfied with their jobs, the ratio of the people who consider with sufficient and effective of official checking is very low (27.27%) and 38.38% of the people stated that feel coercion with applying administrative sanction. The most important categorized problems of control officers are amendments frequently in legislation (74.75%), insufficient teams/officers in official controls (70.71%), lack of own directorate buildings in physical structure and equipment (36.36%) and insufficient payments in other job problem (59.60%). It is determined with chi-square test that there were significant relationships between the sufficiency and effectiveness of official controls and homeland of persons, job satisfaction, sufficiency in providing food safety of 5996 numbered law, feeling coercion applying administrative sanction. Solution of control officers’ problems and periodically training in food safety aspects could provide the contributions in food safety.

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