
Young supragingival calculus deposits of varying age (3–330 days), and old supragingival calculus (over 1 year) collected from the lingual surfaces of lower anterior teeth of sixteen experimental subjects and forty-one clinical patients were investigated by means of X-ray analysis. Brushite (Ca HPO 4·2 H 2O) was most frequent in young specimens and less in old ones, whereas whitlockite (β-Ca 3(PO 4) 2) and hydroxyapatite (Ca 5(PO 4) 3·OH) were detectable more frequently in old than in young specimens. Tetracalcium hydrogen triphosphate dihydrate (Ca 4H(PO 4) 3·2 H 2O) occured in addition to brushite in the earliest stages of development of dental calculus and was also one of the main constituents in old calculus. Transformation processes possibly occuring during formation and aging of calculus deposits are discussed.

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