
The purpose of the article is to identify the problems of creativity of auteur directors who have realised their artistic potential both in auteur cinema and in the field of stage art and to define scientific guidelines that will contribute to a comprehensive analysis of the phenomenon of the film author in the performing arts. Research methodology. Methods of scientific analysis, comparison, generalisation, and self-analysis of the artist were used in the study. In addition, analytical and systematic methods were applied in their unity, which is necessary for the study of the art historical aspect of the problem. The scientific novelty of the study is to define the universality of directing as a specific type of artistic and aesthetic activity; to clarify the mutual influence of stage and screen arts in the use of expressive means; to determine the peculiarities of the film author's activity in the stage space through the adaptation of screen means in theatrical productions, which for the first time became the subject of a special study; in highlighting the universal activities of auteur directors who reformed the cinematic language and the language of stage staging; in identifying original principles of film construction and specific means of cinematic expression that were not only directly embodied in films and contributed to the emergence of outstanding auteur cinematic works, but also had a significant impact on auteur theatre directing, which was distinguished by the search for visualisation of stage images. Conclusions. It is proved that the stage work of film directors-authors questions the theoretical postulates about the harmfulness of the invasion of theatre culture on the screen. It is found that the visual and expressive means that provide the chronology of image creation (long shots, intra-frame editing, acoustic, light and shadow effects), the use of which is considered a high degree of skill in cinema, have their origins in the stage art. Key words: director-author, stage space, directorial means, theatre, stage, screen, performance, television.

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