
Stably transformed callus of a hybrid sugarcane cultivar (Saccharum species hybrid, CP72-1210) was achieved following high velocity microprojectile bombardment of suspension culture cells, and electroporation of protoplasts. A three-day old cell suspension culture (SC88) was bombarded with gold particles coated with pBARGUS plasmid DNA containing the ß-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene and the bar selectable gene that confers resistance to the herbicide basta. The pBARGUS plasmid was also electroporated into the protoplasts of another cell line (SCPP). Colonies resistant to basta were recovered from both sources. Stable integration of the bar gene in the resistant cell lines was confirmed by Southern analysis. In addition, phosphinothricin acetyltransf erase (PAT) activity was also demonstrated in the transformed cell lines.

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