
Abstract The effect of isotopic fractionation during primary migration of hydrocarbons from coals is rarely noticed because it overlaps with the isotopic effects of maturation. In this research, geological chromatography-like effects and possible physical isotopic fractionation effects on n -alkanes during primary migration from four coals and one mudstone were studied through two types of generation–expulsion simulations (generation–expulsion simulations I and II). In order to monitor the kinetic isotopic fractionation effect during primary migration and to differentiate the isotopic effects of primary migration from the isotopic effects of maturation, generation–expulsion simulation was upgraded in two aspects, source rock was separated into at least five layers, and deuterated n -C 15 D 32 was added to the initial layer of the source rock (simulation II). The experimental results suggested that all terrestrial source rocks exhibit significant geological chromatography-like effects in generation–expulsion simulation. Expulsion efficiencies shown by vitrinite-rich coals are much lower than algal cannel, fusinite-rich coal and mudstone. There also exist significant physical isotopic fractionation effects in hydrocarbon primary migration processes from vitrinite-rich coals, but there is no significant isotopic fractionation effect from fusinite-rich brown coal and mudstone. Pore structure and specific surface area of source rock samples were measured by gas adsorption of both N 2 and CO 2 . This indicated that vitrinite-rich coals have a higher proportion of microporosity. The differences in pore structure and adsorptive capacity of source rocks may be responsible for differences in expulsion efficiencies and isotopic fractionation effects in generation–expulsion simulations. The isotopic fractionation effect due to primary migration should be considered in making oil-source correlation when vitrinite-rich coals are concerned.

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