
ABSTRACTThe role of zooplankton in a tropical seagrass ecosystem was investigated in milkfish farms pollution-impacted and -unimpacted seagrass beds in Santiago Island coral reefs, Northwestern Philippines. The aim was to compare between the two sites: (1) abiotic factors and zooplankton community parameters, and (2) the trophic structure using C and N stable isotopes. Low water (98–119 mV) and sediment (–121 to −138 mV) Oxidation Reduction Potential values indicated a reducing environment in the impacted site. Zooplankton in the impacted site showed the typical community response to eutrophication (low diversity, but high total abundance due to the dominance of the cyclopoid copepod Oithona oculata), generally few elevated δ15N values, but a significant shift towards depleted 13C due to the organic enrichment of fish-farm feeds. Apart from suggesting a highly complex food web with POM and zooplankton as main food sources in the unimpacted site, the Bayesian mixing model simulation generated reduced complexity in feeding interactions between basal sources, zooplankton, and fish including adults of a key fish species, Siganus fuscescens, in the impacted sites. In this study, C and N stable isotope analysis has clarified the importance of zooplankton as fish prey in a seagrass bed food web.

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