
Synthetic analogues of the C-terminal portion of C5a were designed and found to be agonists of the C5a receptor [J. A. Ember et al. (1992) Jounral of Immunology, Vol. 148, p. 3165]. Nuclear magnetic resonance experiments were carried out to determine the solution conformation of the most potent analogue, the peptide C5a 65-74 (Tyr65, Phe67) (Tyr65-Ser66-Phe67-Lys68-Asp69-Met70 -Gln71- Leu72-Gly73-Arg74). Medium-range nuclear Overhauser effects (NOEs) were observed for residues 65-70 of this C5a peptide, suggesting that this region adopts a folded conformation in a significant population of the solution conformational ensemble. Quantitative analyses of (3)J(NH-alphaH) coupling constants and sequential NOE cross peaks gave an estimated helical population of 65% in the region Ser66-Met70. Additional evidence supporting the presence of a helical turn includes reduced amide-proton temperature coefficients and lowered (3)J(NH-alphaH) coupling constants in the region of Phe67-Met70. Conformational behavior of this C5a analogue peptide was studied using molecular modeling incorporating observed NOEs as constraints. The side chains of Tyr65, Phe67, and Met70 consistently form a hydrophobic cluster in all the model structures. The side chains of residues Ser66 and Asp69 can form reciprocal hydrogen bonds with the backbone NH groups of these two residues, indicating that residues Ser66-Phe67-Lys68-Asp69 (or SFKD) form a helix-stabilizing capping box (E. T. Harper and G. D. Rose (1993) Biochemistry, Vol. 32, p. 7605; H. X. Zhou et al. (1994) Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics, Vol. 18, p. 1] even within the single turn of helical structure found in the analogue C5a peptide. A comparison of nmr results obtained for the analogue peptide and the natural decapeptide C5a 65-74 (Ile65-Ser66-His67-Lys68-Asp-69- Met70-Gln71-Leu72-Gly73-Arg74) indicated that incorporation of residues Tyr65 and Phe67 helps stabilize an isolated capping box involving residues Ser66-Asp69 in the C5a peptides through more extensive hydrophobic/aromatic interactions between residues Tyr65, Phe67, and Met70 in the analogue peptide C5a 65-74 (Tyr65, Phe67). These results constitute the first experimental demonstration of hydrophobic determinants in helical capping-box interactions, proposed recently by a statistical analysis of protein structures [J. W. Seale et al. (1994) Protein Science, Vol. 3, pp. 1741-1745]. The stabilized helical turn may also account for the greater potency of the analogue peptide C5a65-74 (Tyr65, Phe67) in receptor-binding assays.

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