
Insecticide resistance arises at a given location in response to selection acting on novel genotypes or standing variation, or allelic migration. Fitness costs of resistance may slow resistance evolution or result in reversion to susceptibility, but consistent and geographically widespread use of insecticides may provide sufficient selection to offset the fitness costs of resistance. Understanding this relationship is important to the success of insecticide resistance management. We report the existence of fitness costs of neonicotinoid resistance in field-collected populations of the tobacco thrips (Frankliniella fusca), which increasingly challenge upland cotton production in the southeastern USA. Populations (14 of 15 in 2015; 4 of 5 in 2016) investigated showed a loss of resistance to imidacloprid after multiple generations without exposure to the insecticide. Populations studied in 2016 were each split into two colonies, and one of each pair was repeatedly exposed to imidacloprid. In three of the four populations that lost resistance, imidacloprid-exposed colonies lost resistance significantly more slowly than did corresponding unexposed colonies. For imidacloprid resistance to be broadly increasing in the landscapes of the southeastern USA despite fitness costs of resistance, selection for resistance must be sufficient to overcome the costs. Findings encourage investigation into why costs are overcome in this system, potentially including geographic extent of neonicotinoid use or prevalence of low-dose exposure. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry.

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