
The stability and movement of several polyadenylated (poly A+) and nonpolyadenylated (poly A-) mRNAs in Xenopus oocytes have been examined. At least 50% of the poly A+ mRNA molecules (9S rabbit globin mRNA, chicken ovalbumin, and lysozyme) were stable in oocytes over a 48-h period, irrespective of the amount injected. About 50% of injected poly A- reovirus mRNAs was degraded within the first 24 h of injection, irrespective of the amount injected, although no further degradation was observed over an additional 24 h. The movement of all poly A+ mRNAs injected at either the animal or vegetal pole of the oocyte was very slow. Little movement of RNA from the animal half to the vegetal half was observed even 48 h after injection. In contrast, similar amounts of mRNA were present in both halves 48 h after vegetal pole injection. Similar results were obtained after injection of poly A- reovirus mRNAs. The movement of the proteins encoded by the poly A+ mRNAs was studied in the 6-h period after injection when little mRNA movement had occurred. 85% of the globin synthesized accumulated in the animal half irrespective of injection site. The movement of the sequestered secretory proteins ovalbumin and lysozyme in the same oocytes as globin was much slower; very little lysozyme appeared in the half of the oocyte opposite the site of injection.

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