
The $^{87}\mathrm{Sr}(d, ^{3}\mathrm{He})^{86}\mathrm{Rb}$ reaction was studied at a bombarding energy of 28 MeV. All known low-lying negative-parity states were observed; positive-parity states were either weak or absent. A new negative-parity state is suggested near 1.03 MeV. Distorted-wave calculations were made in order to extract spectroscopic factors. Much mixing of $l=1$ and $l=3$ transfers is observed. Detailed comparisons are made with wave functions proposed by Kolata et al. Somewhat larger configuration mixing is found, in keeping with known effects of ${g}_{\frac{9}{2}}$ neutron holes on ${p}_{\frac{3}{2}}$ and ${f}_{\frac{5}{2}}$ protons.NUCLEAR REACTIONS $^{87}\mathrm{Sr}(d, d)$, $E=28$ MeV; measured $\ensuremath{\sigma}(\ensuremath{\theta})$, $\ensuremath{\theta}=12\ensuremath{-}71\ifmmode^\circ\else\textdegree\fi{}$, $\ensuremath{\Delta}\ensuremath{\theta}=1\ensuremath{-}2\ifmmode^\circ\else\textdegree\fi{}$. $^{87}\mathrm{Sr}(d, ^{3}\mathrm{He})$, $E=28$ MeV; measured $\ensuremath{\sigma}(E, \ensuremath{\theta})$; $\ensuremath{\theta}=8\ensuremath{-}45\ifmmode^\circ\else\textdegree\fi{}$, $\ensuremath{\Delta}\ensuremath{\theta}=2\ensuremath{-}5\ifmmode^\circ\else\textdegree\fi{}$; enriched target, resolution 35 keV, DWBA analysis; $^{86}\mathrm{Rb}$ deduced levels, $S$.

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