
We investigate how the squeezed thermal state (STS) and squeezed number state (SNS) evolve undergoing decoherence in the laser process. Remarkably, the initial SNS, an example of a pure state, evolves into a mixed state, which turns out to be a Laguerre polynomial of combination of creation and annihilation operators within normal ordering; however, the STS, a mixed state, still keeps squeezed and thermal. At long times, these fields lose their nonclassical nature and decay to a highly classical thermal field. The normally ordered density operators of such states in the laser channel lead to deriving the analytical time-evolution expressions of the Wigner functions (WFs). Their nonclassicality is investigated in reference to the time-evolution WFs, which indicates that both of the WFs decay to the same thermal WF as a result of decoherence when the decay time t or the cavity loss κ of the laser is large enough.

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