
Bacterial wilt in potato (Solanum tuberosum) is caused by Ralstonia solanacearum in the highlands of Fouta Djalon in Guinea. The disease causes 50-70% loss of potato in Guinea. The bacterium is transmitted either by imported tuber seeds or through seed exchanges between the farmers themselves from a contaminated area to bacteria-free areas or through irrigation waters along the fields. This is mainly a consequence of the informal potato seed system that prevails in Guinea. Because of the high price of seeds, farmers use several sources of supply. However, potato is an attractive cash crop in Guinea and the most important economic crop in Fouta Djalon. Most populations in the middle Guinea utilizes potato. The potato farmer's organization in Guinea, FPFD (Fédération des Producteurs du Fouta Djalon), is a model in West African sub-region because of its dynamism and organization with its 500 groups, 25 unions and more than 25,000 members. Training of potato growers in certified seed production techniques remains a major problem in Guinea that needed to be solved. This information is important for developing bacterial wilt disease management strategies through the training of farmers and state support for research.

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