
Calcium ions play critical roles in neuronal differentiation. We have recorded transient, repeated elevations of calcium in embryonic Xenopus spinal neurons over periods of 1 h in vitro and in vivo, confocally imaging fluo 3-loaded cells at 5 s intervals. Calcium spikes and calcium waves are found both in neurons in culture and in the intact spinal cord. Spikes rise rapidly to approximately 400% of baseline fluorescence and have a double exponential decay, whereas waves rise slowly to approximately 200% of baseline fluorescence and decay slowly as well. Imaging of fura 2-loaded neurons indicates that intracellular calcium increases from 50 to 500 nM during spikes. Both spikes and waves are abolished by removal of extracellular calcium. Developmentally, the incidence and frequency of spikes decrease, whereas the incidence and frequency of waves are constant. Spikes are generated by spontaneous calcium-dependent action potentials and also utilize intracellular calcium stores. Waves are produced by a mechanism that does not involve classic voltage-dependent calcium channels. Spikes are required for expression of the transmitter GABA and for potassium channel modulation. Waves in growth cones are likely to regulate neurite extension. The results demonstrate the roles of a novel signaling system in regulating neuronal plasticity, that operates on a time scale 10(4) times slower than that of action potentials.

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