
Life expectancy for people with spinal cord injury/disease (SCI/D) is increasing, due to modern advances in treatment methods and in neuro-urology. However, with the increased life expectancy the risk of developing urinary bladder cancer is gaining importance. How is this patient group different from the general population? Single-centre retrospective evaluation of consecutive patient data with spinal cord injury and proven urinary bladder cancer. Between January 1st 1998 and March 31st 2017, 32 (3 female, 29 male) out of a total of 6432 patients with SCI/D were diagnosed with bladder cancer.The average age at bladder cancer diagnosis was 54.5 years, which is well below the average for bladder cancer cases in the general population (male: 74, female: 75).Twenty-seven patients suffered from urodynamically confirmed neurogenic detrusor overactivity, while five patients (all male) had detrusor acontractility.The median latency period between the onset of SCI/D and tumor diagnosis was 29.5 years. Temporary indwelling catheterisation was found in four patients for only 1.61 % of the overall latency period of all patients.The majority of the patients (n = 27) had transitional cell carcinoma, while five had squamous cell carcinoma. Of the 32 patients, 25 (78 %) had muscle invasive bladder cancer at ≥ T2 at the time of diagnosis. Regarding tumour grading, 23 out of 32 patients showed a histologically poorly differentiated G3 carcinoma; two patients each had G2 and G1 tumours repectively (no information on tumour grading was available in five patients).The median survival for all patients was 11.5 months. The prognosis of patients with squamous cell carcinoma was even worse; 4 out of 5 died within 7 months (median 4 months). The significantly younger age at onset and the frequency of invasive, poorly differentiated tumour at diagnosis indicate that SCI/D influences both bladder cancer risk and prognosis significantly. The latency period between paralysis and tumour disease seems to be a decisive risk parameter.The type of neurogenic bladder dysfunction and the form of bladder drainage do not appear to influence the risk. Long-term indwelling catheter drainage played only a minor role in the investigated patients.Early detection of bladder cancer in patients with spinal cord injury remains a challenge.

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