
Spin relaxation processes of the FA (Li) centers in KCl and KBr have been studied with an X-band ESR spectroscopy, at liquid He temperatures. It is shown that the longitudinal and transverse spin relaxation processes in the FA (Li) centers are strongly subjected by the tunneling motion of the Li+ ion. The spin-lattice relaxation time, called T1, is anomalously short, and it shows an isotope effect and a quadratic electric field dependence. Especially for the FA (Li) centers in KBr, T 1 shows a remarkable tem­ perature dependence with a distinguished isotope effect. A theoretical analysis gives the tunneling splitting energy of 6.7 and 3.9 K, and the tunneling probability of 1.0 X 103 and 0.5 X 103 (1/sec), for the FA (Li6) and FA (Li7) centers in KBr, respectively. The decrease of the transverse relaxation time is also observed at liquid He temperatures: The fact may be closely related to the quenching of ENDOR signals at liquid He temperatures. Theoretical approaches have been reviewed.

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