
In this paper we compute the mean field phase diagram of a doped antiferromagnet, in amagnetic field and with anisotropic exchange. We show that at zero temperature there isa metamagnetic transition from the antiferromagnetic configuration along thez direction to a spin flop (SF) state. In the spin flop phase the system prefers a commensuratemagnetic order, at low doping, whereas at larger doping the incommensurate phase is favourable.Contrary to the pure Heisenberg case, the spin flop region does not span an infinite area in the(Δ,h) plane, whereΔ is the exchangeanisotropy and h is the external magnetic field. We characterize the magnetic and charge-transportproperties of the SF phase, computing the magnetic susceptibility and the Drudeweight. This latter quantity presents a sudden variation as the SF to paramagnetphase transition line is crossed. This effect could be used as a possible sourceof large magneto-resistance. Our findings may have some relevance for dopedLa2−δSrδCuO4 in a magnetic field.

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