
A wave-cut notch that is deeply incised into the vertical cliff faces of Cayman Brac is adorned with stalactites, stalagmites, and columns. The prefix “notch” is applied to each type of speleothem in order to distinguish them from cave speleothems. These speleothemic deposits must have formed since the highstand, ~ 125,000 years ago, which was responsible for the development of the notch. The laminated notch speleothems are formed largely of aragonite (small and large crystals) and calcite (columnar, fiber, and grain-coating mats) along with minor amounts of dolomite, a Mg–Si precipitate (kerolite?), gypsum, and halite. Laminae, typically < 2 mm thick, are commonly bounded by dissolution discontinuities that truncate the older laminae and their formative aragonite and calcite crystals. The patchy tan, grey, to green surface coloration of the notch speleothems reflects the random distribution of the subaerial biofilms, which are formed of a diverse array of filamentous and non-filamentous microbes. The notch speleothems are the integrated product of precipitation and dissolution that was, in some places, microbially mediated. Interpretations based on their mineralogy and internal structures indicate that the composition of the formative waters must have temporally fluctuated with periods of precipitation being interrupted by periods of dissolution. The microbes that formed the subaerial biofilms may have influenced some of these processes. The aragonite, calcite, and kerolite (?) probably formed as evaporation and loss of Ca through precipitation progressively increased the Mg:Ca and the Si/(Ca + Mg) ratios. The dolomite, gypsum, and halite probably formed during early diagenesis during the evaporation of seawater that percolated into the interiors of the notch speleothems.

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