
A method of and a system for speech enhancement consists of Hilbert spectrum and wavelet packet analysis is studied. We implement ISA to separate speech and interfering signals from single mixture and wavelet packet based soft-thresholding algorithm to enhance the quality of target speech. The mixed signal is projected onto time-frequency (TF) space using empirical mode decomposition (EMD) based Hilbert spectrum (HS). Then a finite set of independent basis vectors are derived from the TF space by applying principal component analysis (PCA) and independent component analysis (ICA) sequentially. The vectors are clustered using hierarchical clustering to represent the independent subspaces corresponding to the component sources in the mixture. However, the speech quality of the separation algorithm is not enough and contains some residual noises. Therefore, in the next stage, the target speech is enhanced using wavelet packet decomposition (WPD) method where the speech activity is monitored by updating noise or unwanted signals statistics. The mode mixing issue of traditional EMD is addressed and resolved using ensemble EMD. The proposed algorithm is also tested using short-time Fourier transform (STFT) based spectrogram method. The simulation results show a noticeable performance in the field of audio source separation and speech enhancement.

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