
Elusive [S, S, N, O] isomers including the perthiyl radical •SSNO are S/N hybrid species in the complex bioinorganic chemistry of signaling molecules H2S and •NO. By mixing thermally generated disulfur (S2) with •NO in the gas phase, •SSNO was generated and subsequently isolated in cryogenic Ar- and N2-matrices at 10.0 K and 15.0 K, respectively. Upon irradiation with a 266 nm laser, •SSNO isomerizes to novel sulfinyl radicals cis-NSSO• and trans-NSSO• as well as thiyl radicals cis-OSNS• and trans-OSNS•, which have been characterized by combining matrix-isolation IR (15N-labeling) and UV/Vis spectroscopy and quantum chemical calculations at the CCSD(T)-F12/cc-pVTZ-F12 level of theory. The photo-induced reversible interconversion between NSSO• and OSNS• has also been observed.

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