
Platinum(IV or II) reacts with o-phenylenediamine, at pH 6·5, to form light blue solutions having maximum absorption at 703 nm. The reaction, slow at room temperature, is complete in 3–4 min at temperatures near 100°. Use of dimethylformamide in the solution prevents precipitation of the reaction product. The colour is stable for at least 24 hr. Effects of heating temperature and time, pH, reagent concentration, and other variables have been studied. The system conforms to Beer's law over the concentration range investigated. Optimum concentration range for measurement in 10-mm cells is 0·4–1·4 ppm of platinum; the molar absorptivity is 9·83 × 10 3 l. mole −1. mm −1. Interference from foreign ions has been evaluated, and methods for removal or masking of interferences have been tested. In the colour-forming reaction, platinum(IV) is reduced by the organic reagent to platinum(II), which is then complexed with the reagent. The metal : ligand ratio of 1 : 2 was indicated by solution spectrophotometric measurements, and was confirmed on the solid reaction product by elemental analysis and by mass spectrometric examination.

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