
AbstractA machine learning‐based approach was utilized to develop a device for groundnut bud necrosis virus (GBNV) disease severity detection and estimation in tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L.). The study involved inoculating tomato plants with GBNV, monitoring changes in morphological and spectral characteristics, evaluating machine learning algorithms (decision tree [DT] classifier) for analysis and classification of disease severity, and developing and validating a device for disease detection and severity estimation. Spectral data analysis revealed distinct patterns in reflectance, with notable peaks observed in the 680 and 760 nm bands, while reflectance remained low and constant beyond 900 nm. Machine learning techniques, specifically a DT model, were employed to classify disease severity based on spectral data with high accuracy (95.01% training accuracy and 93.65% testing accuracy). The model identified the near‐infrared band as highly correlated (correlation coefficient of 0.82) with disease severity. Furthermore, a compact handheld device integrating a spectral sensor, organic light‐emitting diode display, and Raspberry Pi 3B was developed for real‐time disease severity estimation. The device demonstrated robust performance, accurately predicting disease severity at different growth stages, even in the absence of visible symptoms. Additionally, disease severity percentages obtained via reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction were used to validate the accuracy of the device's estimations. Its responsive nature, with estimated response times ranging from milliseconds to seconds, facilitates timely interventions in agricultural settings. Overall, this interdisciplinary approach, combining spectral analysis, machine learning, and device development, presents a promising solution for efficient disease monitoring and management in agriculture, contributing to enhanced crop health and food security.

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