
A method is described for measuring the spectral radiant power of VUV and soft x-ray sources using the electron storage ring BESSY as a radiometric standard source of calculable spectral radiant power and degree of polarization. An ellipsoidal grazing incidence mirror stigmatically images the stored electrons or the source under investigation in equal optical conditions into a toroidal grating monochromator. The monochromator can be rotated around its optical axis in UHV conditions to account for different degrees of polarization of the two sources. The accuracy presently available with this method is demonstrated by a measurement of the spectral concentration of radiant intensity of a laser-produced tungsten plasma in the wavelength range between 7 and 100 nm with an overall uncertainty of 10%. A detailed analysis of the contributions to this uncertainty shows that the major part of it is caused by the presently uncertain knowledge of the polarizing properties of the radiometric instrumentation and by the uncertainty of the correction procedure which accounts for the influence of higher diffraction orders of the monochromator grating. The results of the radiation measurements of the laser-produced tungsten plasma let us expect that this source type has the potential to serve as a radiometric transfer standard in the VUV and soft x-ray range below 100 nm.

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