
Abstract Trials were conducted during 1980 to spawn and culture Colorado squawfish (Ptychocheilus lucius) at Willow Beach (Arizona) National Fish Hatchery. A total of 78 hatchery-reared females and 5 wild females were injected with acetone-dried carp pituitary. Three wild females were not given hormonal injections. Wild fish spawned in raceways modified for trout rearing; hatchery-reared fish were hand stripped and the eggs artificially fertilized. Incubation times were 90-121 h at water temperatures of 20-24°C and 145-180 h at 12-13°C. At hatching, total length of fry ranged from 6.0 to 7.5 mm. The length of fry placed in modified raceways had doubled by day 21 and fingerlings attained a length of 42-50 mm by day 107.

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